Stickin' it to ya: Water allocation.

I'm starting a new feature here on the blog called Stickin' it to ya. Basically it's an ongoing cautionary tale on hidden traps that cost you money or just cause rental-induced migraine headaches.
First up is water allocation, a fancy term for the way your water bill is assessed. In almost all newer complexes (1993+), the water is submetered, so you only pay for what's used inside the walls of your unit. You can't really argue with the fairness of that system.
In what we call Class B and Class C properties ( everything before '93, give or take a few years), the water is often on an average allocation system, which means that the complex receives one giant water bill and averages it out among its residents. By itself, that isn't terribly unfair . . .
But here's how some properties stick it to ya. Also averaged in the assessment for each unit is the pool water, lawn maintenance water, and whatever the office uses. Not all Class B and C properties include these but it happens more often than not. The result can be a water bill of $20 to $25 bucks a person. So if you're a Mom and Dad with two rugrats in the second bedroom, look forward to an $80-$100 water bill that must be paid with the rent. Since you owe the apartment complex in this situation, not only could the utility service be terminated for non-payment, but you could face eviction as well.
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